Friday, November 21, 2008
New Blog
Due to Blogger not letting me post pictures and just driving me crazy on a whole, I've started a new blog with The address is hope to see ya there.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Today, for the first time in Caleb's whole six years of life I had to loosen his pants adjusters. Can you believe it??? He came down stairs, and couldn't get his pants buttoned! It is such an unusual happening!!!! He is up to 37.5 pounds as of one day this week, of course he was fully clothes with three shirts on and shoes, but hey, he has been 35 pounds for the last year. I think all this cooking I've been doing the last 3 months has been good for him. Jonathan is really growing right now too! He is getting taller, and bulking out. Finally! I'm not sure how much he weighs, he doesn't share as easily as Caleb. Yesterday, Bryan was down at Rex visiting a lady from church and he had Caleb with him. He stopped by the labor and delivery. He wanted to show Caleb the nursery, well because of restictions you can't see the babies or go back into the l&d. Bryan talked the nurse and she slipped Caleb back to see the babies. Sad, there were no babies in the nursery. Funny thing is she made Bryan stay out so he couldn't go back with them, but Caleb was extremely excited. I just wish there were some babies in the nursery. Things are so different now than when I've had the others. Back then, they wore bracelets that would go off if you took them out of the room, I wonder what it will be like this time. I'm hoping to call today and get me and Leah a tour. The men are going on a father/son retreat tonight and that would give us something to do. Well, better go for now, the washer needs downy and if I don't go now, I'll forget.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hello everyone, I bet y'all thought I had fallen off the planet. I'm having issues with blogger which makes me wonder if this will actually post. I'll try it and see what happens. Well, we have been super busy... Seth and Caleb had their birthdays. I now have two in the double digits! Their choice of cake was peanut butter pie. Sooo, we had peanut butter pie on the 22nd and on the 30th. We have had so many sweets in the house it isn't even funny which is why I've put on soooo much weight. Next, the ladies at church gave me a baby shower. Wow, I received a lot of stuff. It has been so fun going through it all and putting it away. Now, I just have to get this little girl here. Although, I still have this sick feeling it will be a boy. Not because of gender, but because EVERYTHING I have is PINK. Won't that just be interesting. The kids are getting more excited everyday! Caleb continues to talk about feeding her. I'm just hoping he doesn't decide to feed her his pb&j. I can just see him trying. I'm 36 weeks today and counting. My next dr appt. is on Friday, and I'm soooo tempted to see if she will induce. I guess I'll see how much pain I'm in when I go on Friday. On the eighth, I turned a year older. Wasn't too bad, although I woke up depressed. I'm always depressed on my birthday, don't ask me why I just am. One of these days, I'm going to have a CLEAN house on my birthday, and then maybe I won't be so depressed. You guess??? Amazing at what we let get us down. Anyway, the ladies from church took me to a late breakfast at the Old English Tea Room over in Wake Forest. It is such a quaint environment, even if the food was terrible, which it isn't, it would be fun. I had my first scone which was full of chocolate chips, (did I mention extra pounds??)and some cinnamon tea. Wow, they had some type of cream cheese yummieness you could spread on it, good good! I'm looking forward to taking Leah there sometime soon. Believe me, if there is yummy food, Leah will like it!!! It will be a good time of girl talk! She is growing up so much! It is amazing how much she understands about this new little one coming, and nobody had told her what will happen. I guess the Lord just puts this kind of stuff in girls. Well, I guess I have rambled long enough, maybe I can get my blogger fixed and won't have such a time posting. If I can't get this resolved, I'm going to start a different blog and shut this one down. I'll try to leave the new address if that does happen. Have a good night!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
You can raise a crop of babies on almost any land;
In fact, you need a little grit, and just a little sand.
And lots of love and laughter, to make them grow up strong,
Yet folks with lots of babies somehow seem to get along.
I don't say they are useful, quite, as cars and pigs and such,
But they're a grand crop in themselves, and worth ten times as much.
So don't forget the babies when you're planning for your farm -
A few about you underfoot won't do a bit of harm.
And when your hair is growing gray and years are growing long,
Your heart, instead of drying up, will hold a merry song,
For babies have a way with them of growing strong and tall
And make such dandy leaning posts as life's spring turns to fall!
You can raise a crop of babies on almost any land;
In fact, you need a little grit, and just a little sand.
And lots of love and laughter, to make them grow up strong,
Yet folks with lots of babies somehow seem to get along.
I don't say they are useful, quite, as cars and pigs and such,
But they're a grand crop in themselves, and worth ten times as much.
So don't forget the babies when you're planning for your farm -
A few about you underfoot won't do a bit of harm.
And when your hair is growing gray and years are growing long,
Your heart, instead of drying up, will hold a merry song,
For babies have a way with them of growing strong and tall
And make such dandy leaning posts as life's spring turns to fall!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Busy Times
So, okay, it's been a while, things have been busy here. We had a Bible Conference over in Chapel Hill week before last. Bryan preached three or four times along with Pastor Brandenburg from Ca, and Bobby Mitchel Jr from Maine. Over all it was a great week, lots of traveling considering it is an hours drive one way, but well worth the drive. We were able to fellowship with friends we hadn't seen in a while. We even had a service in one of the oldest churches in the US. Only it isn't called a church, it is a meeting house. Rayanna and her family drove down and were here for Friday night and part of the day Saturday. Jonathan was able to play in the orchestra on Sunday and he really enjoyed it. I think it has rejuvinated his love for music. He practices more now than ever. Revival at Lighthouse started last night, Jonathan and Leah played revive us again on the violin and trumpet. It is amazing how nervous I get when they play. I can't imagine the nerves they must suffer when they get up in front of people. Seth is working on a new piece, it is absolutely beautiful. Jonathan also plays with Bro. Francis on Thursday night, it is a beautiful piece and if I could record it somehow I would post it. My camera died on me so there is no way to post pictures anymore. A most depressing state I'm in! School is going good, it won't be long and I'll be fixing report cards. Time flies when you are having fun! Baby Tabitha is growing, at this pace if she continues on I'll have no clothes that fit and I'll be reduced to wearing "Moo Moo's" as Mrs. Morgan calls them. She is still very active. I'm working on her a little hat right now, it is sooooo cute and soft. I hope I'm not disappointed, I have this picture of her in my head of the way she is going to look, and I can't seem to shake it. She will probably be born and look nothing like I've pictured. I'm really looking forward to Nov. this year! Not my favorite time of year normally, but this time, I'm looking for relief. Seth and Caleb's birthdays are coming up, I'll have two in the double digits. Wow! When did I get so old??? Last night before church, I told Caleb to put on his belt, he said "oh Mom, do I have to these pants are already so tight!" I laughed my head off, he has never had that problem before. I guess I'll be taking the waist out of those pants before he wears them again. (I have to take up all of his pants before he can wear them!) Okay, enough ramblings for now, I must get these kids doing their school work, or we will be going until church tonight!
Monday, August 25, 2008
As most of us know, ladies must have lots of cosmetics. Well, one little lady sometimes has trouble keeping one little brother out of her cosmetics. For some unknown reason he likes to eat them. Strange Child! Anyway, we think we may have fixed the problem. Doubt it, but hey we can try. Leah has been wanting to learn to sew, so today she had her first real sewing lesson. I didn't get any pictures of her sewing, I was paying to much attention to my fingers. Here is her finished project, it will be hung on the wall in her room.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Crayon Roll and Purse
These days are restless days! I spend too much time online while working with the munchkins in school. If I'm not in the school room, neither are they. Anyway, I ran across a blog that had these crayon rolls a lady had made. (Caleb is forever busting the bottom of his crayon box out, and then there are crayons all over the floor.) So, I thought I would give them a try.
That got the creative juices flowing, and I made me a purse.
Hopefully, when Leah comes home she can pick out some material and we will work on her a purse! Now, I HAVE to go study for my class. Pray that this stuff will stick in my head. So far, most of it has gone OVER my head!
Roll making 'venture
A couple of weeks ago, I got this craving, and surprisingly I haven't had too many cravings this time. (Hubby would disagree!) Anyway, I was craving Maw Yates' yeast rolls. Well, the only person I know that makes these rolls is Becky, and she is only 31/2 hours away, and these rolls are not just something you whip up. Having good intentions I bought the ingredients about a month ago, and they have just sat in the pantry. I'm not a baker! Tuesday, the cravings got the best of me. I got out my recipe, that I had thanks to Becky, and got to work. Caleb once again was my helper as Leah was busy with violin practice. This is one complex recipe, you have to scald milk, melt your shortening on the stove, then it has to be refrigerated overnight. Much to one little boy's dismay. (Crazy kid actually licked the beaters!) Yesterday morning, I was greeted with the wonderful smell of yeasty bread when I opened the fridge. (Good thing too, I would have forgotten!) While the kids were gone to the nursing home I started the kneading and rolling out process. Well, I have decided if I'm going to make these again, I'm going to have to start lifting weights. And I've also figured out why they used BIG rolling pins and not the little ones from pampered chef! I get them cut out, brushed with butter, pinched closed, and the waiting game started again. Now, they must rise again. I finally got impatient with the first batch and we had them for lunch. Needless to say, they are better after they rise, but the first batch was yummy. The kids loved them, Leah especially. I'm hoping this is a tradition I can pass on to her and she can pass on to her kids. While doing all this I couldn't help think of a special lady. She fixed these rolls for every family gathering. She fixed them for our rehearsal dinner. (I can't imagine how many recipes she had to fix for that one.) And I can remember her sending extra ones with Jan when they would come visit us. She was one special lady! I wish I had thought of doing this sooner, maybe she could have given me some tips. Thanks so much Maw Yates, we love and miss you!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dare Devils
Saturday was cleaning day around here! We actually got a lot done! Amazing! Anyway, by the evening the kids were all ready to skip ship and so they went out to play. (I think I've finally found a way to make them go outside without having to MAKE them go out. But SHHHHH don't tell them!) Well, as I was walking through the house putting away laundry, I saw my little dare devil shimmying up the basketball pole.
I walked out to where he was, and the first thing he said was "Did I scare ya, Mom?". Well, I wasn't scared, this was a minor incident.
He tells me he was wanting to hang from the rim. Now, you may ask, "Why would a five year old want to hang from a basketball rim?" This is my answer....
Jonathan wants to be Kobe Bryant!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hey, I hope this works. I've been trying to get this thing on here all day! I'm just sooo dumb when it comes to this blogging stuff. Maybe one of these days I'll figure it out!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
As most of you know Caleb is a very active little boy! Understatement! If he were in a public school, they would label him as ADD and want to put him on drugs. Really, he is a very bright little boy who has endless energy. He is doing very good in school, he can read and loves to be challenged in everything except penmanship. Not his favorite subject! Since he is soooo active I'm trying to come up with ways to keep him occupied, and hopefully we can channel all this energy into something good. Here is my latest project for him. Peach cobbler, Yum!! This next one is when he gets all of his energy out!
Baby Bump 251/2 weeks
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Okay, here goes, since I've been pregnant, the kids have had some doozie questions. I have given them very vague answers, so it has just brought on more questions. On the way home from lessons tonight I started listening to their conversation they were having in the back seat. (I often tune out their conversations!) Anyway, they were talking about when the penguins brought the baby. I said, "What?". Jonathan speaks up and says, "oh, not the penguins those long legged birds!" "The stork?" I replied. "Yeah, that's it!" was their reply. How storks got turned into penguins I'll never know, but it made me chuckle!
Everything went good!
Sorry, I didn't get back on here yesterday. Me and the couch had a 2 hour appointment! Little Miss Tabitha had me up most of the night on Tuesday so by the time school was out I was wiped out! She is sooo active! We started school at 8am and took one 15 min. break and amazingly we were finished by lunch. It won't be that way every day as the boys videos will get more involved, but it was a good first day. Caleb and Leah have enough seatwork to keep them busy while I'm helping the other one. Pray that God will give me the endurance to be able to keep up with everything. I have less than fourteen weeks to go before the baby is due and I'm hoping to get as much done as possible.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Today's the day!
Yep, today we start another year of school! Right now, the kids are in Bible class with Mr. Howle. He is such a good teacher! He gets right down on the kids level to where even Caleb can understand. Jonathan and Seth are on videos this year. So, I'm hoping to have a easy year, if you can call homeschooling four kids and having newborn easy. I'm excited, I think I'll be able to spend more time working with Caleb and Leah on things we have skipped this year. The first few weeks are nothing but review so I'm going to use this time to work on different things. If everything goes good, I'm hoping to be done teaching by 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Last year we went until 4:30 almost every day. It was some really long days. Well, I must go now they are finished with Bible for the day. I'll try to post later on how it went.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Well, this week has been weird. Part of the time, I've been bored others have been busy. Started the week by trying to rid my kitchen of ants. I had to throw a whole box of cereal away because of ants. I was not happy! So, I took everything out of the pantry, shelves and all, washed everything down with bleach, painted and put everything back. Guess what! No ants! Yeah, now I'm happy! Wednesday was spent trying to recover from my painting venture. Thursday, I learned how to give a yard a grass transplant. Interesting, and I learned what exercises I need to do to shed some pounds after this little one is born! Last night we were able to have a family night, it is the first one we have had in quite a while. It was so much fun! On the way home, I ended up slap happy. I think that was the first time I've been slap happy in years. It felt sooo good just to laugh uncontrollably! The kids asked their dad, what is wrong with mommy? I must not laugh enough for them! Today, we went to the kids exchange down in Raleigh. It is a HUGE consignment sale of kids stuff. They had everything you could possibly want or need for kids all ages. I got Tabitha a couple little dresses and gowns. I had forgotten how fun it is to dress a baby girl. Even Jonathan got in on picking out stuff. I did notice that Seth didn't pick anything out. (He has always hated the color pink!) It was crazy, we waited in line to get in, then waited for over an hour to check out! The whole day, Tabitha was very still and quiet, and since we have been home she hasn't quit moving. Not even for five minutes. She has had the hickups at least twice. What am I going to do with her after she is born?? Jonathan's dvd's are on the way for school and Leah and Caleb's books have also been shipped. I'm hoping to start the week of the 4th. Hopefully, I'll be ready by then! Oh, and I now have friends on facebook. I have no idea how to work the thing or how I'll have time to keep up with it, but it has been nice to reconnect with all the different "kids" we have worked with in different ministries. They have all grown up so much, it is amazing how much time has passed. Well, I must run, I sent the kids to bed, but I doubt very seriously they have actually made their way there. Oh, and a praise, Bryan got our lawn mower ready. I guess we won't need that goat after all!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Blonde Moment
If any of you know Leah, you know she often times has moments where she just doesn't think. Tonight at supper time we were talking about different musical instruments. Bryan told Leah she should learn to play the french horn. She looked confused then said "BEEP!" She thought he was talking about a car horn. Poor child, her roots will forever tell on her!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Baby News
Hi, there isn't a whole lot going on with the baby other than she seems to have great endurance when it comes to exercise. She exercises hours everyday! I just know when she is born she will be in great shape! Her poor mother will not, I guess that will come afterwards! Anyway, we have finally picked a name for our little bundle. We have been going back and forth with names since I found out I was pregnant. One day this week her daddy came running upstairs all excited and said I have a name! He had been reading his Bible, like all good preachers should, and came across the name Tabitha. He said, "it was like the Lord told me, Tabitha should be her name!" So, we are naming her Tabitha after a lady who was known for her work for the Lord, and Joy for all the joy she will bring us in the years to come! Tabitha Joy Greene, it has a nice ring to it!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Caleb's thinking!
Today, I was working on some Bible School stuff, when Caleb, the youngest, came through the house. He was thinking about something, I could just tell! Usually, he runs not walks through the house! Anyway, he comes in and says "Mom, how did God make Jesus?" So, I explained that it was a miracle just as when God created the world. We talked a few more minutes on how God created different things. He then asked why God created people, I told him so we would glorify Him. Then he asked why God created dogs. By then, I was running low on answers! I told him, God created dogs to please us, for us to enjoy. We talked a few more minutes and off he went. A little later, Leah who had heard the conversation, came in and said "Mom, do you know what Caleb just did?" Of course with it being Caleb it was hard to tell. Well, everyone one knows that Hot Shot suns in the dining room every afternoon, this is his quiet time and nobody messes with him. She said, "he was in here telling Hot Shot he was made to please him!" Meanwhile, Hot Shot was growling at him. I'm not quite sure just how Hot Shot was supposed to please him today, but I can tell you that Hot Shot was NOT pleased with Caleb!! Crazy Kid, one day he is going to get bit!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Greene Beans
Friday, June 27, 2008
Well, it is almost that time again! I can't believe another week has passed! It won't be long and school will start back up and things will be crazy all over again. My kids are bored, I can't believe we have a month of summer vacation left and they are already bored. It is really hot outside, which puts a damper on what they can do outside and I'm not even going to let them watch movies all the time! Tomorrow we will be canvassing until two, then we are going to be blessed with company! My good friend Kristen from Maryland/Delaware and her family is coming to see us. I can't wait! Although it will be a short trip, I'm really looking forward to seeing her and all her little munchkins. There is also a possibility the Staleys from Maryland will be coming next week. I do so hope they can come! When you have lived in different place, you have friends all over the place and it is hard to see them all. Thank goodness for computers and telephones. Brilliant inventions! Now if only there was something we could do about all miles in between! Well, I must run the washer is filling up and the dryer has stopped. Oh the joys of laundry!!! And just think we are going to be adding more laundry come November! Oh, but that is the fun kind! Pink, Pink lots of pink! See ya!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
We got back from camp last night around 8:30. I was so glad we made it back before it got dark. I have never been so sleepy driving before. The kids had a great week at camp. It is so good for them to be around people with the same beliefs and standards. The theme this week was Olympics, their theme verse was Philippians 3:14. The kids were able to get involved with games of their choice. Jonathan won gold medals for 22 sharp shooting and checkers. I knew he would get the sharp shooting, he can shoot a squirrel. Nathan ended up with 9 gold medals and Amber with 1. Allison got one, but I can't remember what all of them were for. Leah is now nicknamed freckles. It seems the preacher for the little ones liked her. Thus, he called her freckles all week. She passed the swim test even though she didn't want to take it. She came in third for the back stroke in swimming. I'm not sure if Seth won any competitions, but he had alot of fun! Pray for all the decisions that were made at camp. Pray that the Lord would continue to work in the hearts of these kids.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Think Pink!
We are going for pink, pink, pink, maybe a little purple and lime green. Yes, the ultrasound tech said she is 100% sure it is a girl. I have one excited little 8 year old girl! Leah has always wanted a sister to share her room with. I have a feeling in a few years that will change, but for now she is happy. We got to see little fingers and feet, legs and arms, a spine as well as the babies profile. Oh, it is just too exciting. Now, only 21 more weeks to go!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Today the craziest thing happened... I was out watering my flowers that are almost dead because of the heat. When, I looked down and the ground was moving. It was so wierd. Anyway, here I was watering my flowers and the mulch was moving all around. Then, all the sudden I see this huge earth worm come out of the ground, but the mulch is still moving. Had I hit a whole family of earthworms? Next thing I know, I see this little pink nose sticking out of the ground. I had unearthed a mole. Poor thing kept trying to run from the water and I kept water logging it. It finally ran under the hedge and dug back into the ground. Isn't that the most crazy thing you have ever heard. Can you tell I'm missing my kids?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hello Everyone, I'm sitting here alone for the second day this week wondering how I will abide the quietness in the house. All the kids and Bryan are up at Grace Baptist in Louisburg for camp. I am greatful for this time cuz I'm getting things done in the house that has been put off for far too long, but it is awfully quiet. This is Caleb's first year of camp and he is having a blast. Leah is still hurting with swimmers ear, so I'm not sure just how much fun she is having, but she still wants to go. Seth seems to be having a good time, and Jonathan doesn't say anything. They get home late at night and have to go staight to bed and then they leave by 7:30am. Jonathan won the craft award yesterday. He always has been the creative one. Pray for Leah, she needs to be over this by next week. We have a full week of camp in PA.
Bryan and I met with a lady last night that wants to join the church. She has a credible salvation testimony, and the church will vote on her Sunday morning. It is good to see someone else wanting to join the church! Oh, pray for our AC at the church! It went out on us Sunday. It was so hot in Sunday school, I was dripping by the time it was over.
I go for my ultra sound on Thursday. If this little one cooperates, we will know what he/she is. Then, we can really work on names! The baby has started moving around a lot, I just can't wait till the kids can feel it! So far it hasn't been as active as Caleb, which believe me is a good thing!!!
Well, I must go see what can be done in the house today! I'll make sure to post on Thursday if we find out what the baby is! Tata for now!
Bryan and I met with a lady last night that wants to join the church. She has a credible salvation testimony, and the church will vote on her Sunday morning. It is good to see someone else wanting to join the church! Oh, pray for our AC at the church! It went out on us Sunday. It was so hot in Sunday school, I was dripping by the time it was over.
I go for my ultra sound on Thursday. If this little one cooperates, we will know what he/she is. Then, we can really work on names! The baby has started moving around a lot, I just can't wait till the kids can feel it! So far it hasn't been as active as Caleb, which believe me is a good thing!!!
Well, I must go see what can be done in the house today! I'll make sure to post on Thursday if we find out what the baby is! Tata for now!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Children's Creativity!
We finished school this week, so the kids have had more time outside. One day, they were worked on this project all day long. They made their mud for the mortar, and they transplanted all the moss and bushes! I think they did a wonderful job. This is actually a recreation as the first one was accidentally smooshed! Oops!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Ladies Meeting
We had a really good ladies meeting. Delicious food, beautiful music, and a devotion from God's word. What more could you want! There were about twenty ladies young and old in attendance. We even got through our skit, which is a miracle considering we never did get through it while we were practicing. I'll try to post a slide show, if this thing will let me! Thanks to all of you who were praying!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Our Revival started yesterday morning. Bro. Mike Renfro and his family are here from Smithfield. The services were great and the alter was full last night. Please pray that God will work in our hearts and we will see true Revival. We will also be having our ladies meeting on Saturday. Tracy Blanton and her girls are going to be here with us. They will be playing the harp and violin as well as the piano for us. Tracy will be giving the devotion. There will be lost ones there, please pray we will see souls saved during this week!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
We have some very exciting news! Can anybody guess what Leah is holding. For all you who have never had an ultra sound it is a picture of our 9 week old baby! For which we are extreamly excited about. I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks good. There were no abnormalities or problems and the doctor said everything should be fine. Praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for me! Oh, we need baby names. We have a boy name picked out, but we can't come up with a girl name. So post a comment and help us come up with a name!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wow, time flies!
I can't believe it has been over a month since I last posted. We have been super busy around here. We went through a spell of the flu. Everyone had it except Jonathan. I have no idea how he kept from getting it, but he stayed well. It took two weeks for everyone to get back to normal. I felt like I hadn't been to church in forever. The Valentines Banquet went good. Although, I forgot to take any pictures, and I'm still kicking myself for. Wednesday starts our missions conference. It's our first one here at Lighthouse and we are excited. We will be having a international dinner on Saturday that is sure to be good. The Mitchells are coming down from Maine, they are church planters. Then Mr. Broc will be here, they were in France for a number of years and are now starting a different ministry. School is going good. It is nice to see the end of the books in sight. Seth started his last chapter in science today. Oh, how exciting that is!! Then we have to start health, something I haven't taught before. Caleb is reading good now. He doesn't have to sound out EVERY word now. That will drive you crazy after a while. Leah has started multiplication and division. And Jonathan's history is completely beyond anything I remember. Keep us in your prayer!
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Rocket and Volcano
In Jonathan's science book as an expierement he was to shoot off a rocket. If it had been left up to me I would have said "no way!" Thankfully, he has a daddy who loves science. Bryan went and got him a rocket, they built it together and launched it out of the pool enclosure. The volcano was a gift from Tim, Bryans brother. The kids built it all by themselves. No help from mom or dad, but the wait for it to dry was absolutely torture. The day finally came when it was dry, and they set the thing off so many times I had to stop them for fear of running out of vinegar.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Baptismal Service
Sunday was a special day! We were able to have a baptism service, but since we don't have a place to baptize we have to go to one of our supporting churches in Louisburg. Well, all weekend we were wondering if we would even get to a have a service because they were calling for snow. Well, Sunday we have lunch at the church in which the menu was changed several times, then we formed a train of cars and headed off to Grace. When we got there the doors were locked, we stood outside freezing for a while until Bryan found the spare key. Well, Mr. Satterfield had forgotten his clothes and had to go home so he wasn't there when we first got there and we were afraid he would get lost. Well, he arrived and we sighed in relief. We had our service and time came to baptize. The doors were locked going up into the tank. Oh no! Some quick thinking got Mr. Byler who was leading the singing to come with his credit card and break in. Okay, we are in! We get to the top of the stairs, and Leah sticks her toe in, COLD!! No Heat!! Her daddy baptizes her and nobody can see her, she is too short. Then, Mr. Satterfield gets in. We were afraid he was going to bolt. It was too cold. Over all it will be a service I won't soon forget. Here are some pictures of Leah, yes she really did get baptized, and Mr. Satterfield. Mr. Satterfield started coming to church by Dameon his grandson coming to Bible Time. He then got saved during our revival. It is wonderful to see fruit in the church.
Dining room
Yeah, I finally finished my dining room. Only thing I didn't realize is my paint was the same color as my wall paper. Duh! Don't know where my mind was on that one. Anyways it looks sooo much better. Here are some work in progress pictures and the finished product. Oh, if anybody needs it I have a recipe for stripping wall paper. You won't believe it!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Year!
Well, we have started a new year! 2008, Can you believe it?? It seems like just yesterday we were all planning for Y2K. Amazing how time flies. (can't remember if that is correctly spelled) School has started back up here. I'm trying to make sure the kids learn all they should. I do have some sneaky ones who try to get by without doing all they should.
Tonight we have a ladies meeting at church. A new lady is supposed to be coming and that is exciting. I pray these meeting will bring these ladies closer together in the Lord and thy will have a bond together. One that will see them through during the rough parts of life. It is a true blessing to be able to pray with others about things in our lives.
Hopefully, soon ,I will be able to put a video of Leah playing her violin, so check back in!
Tonight we have a ladies meeting at church. A new lady is supposed to be coming and that is exciting. I pray these meeting will bring these ladies closer together in the Lord and thy will have a bond together. One that will see them through during the rough parts of life. It is a true blessing to be able to pray with others about things in our lives.
Hopefully, soon ,I will be able to put a video of Leah playing her violin, so check back in!
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