Thursday, December 20, 2007

Look at that face!

The kids went to the nursing home and did their play today. I forgot my camera so when I got home I made them put their costumes back on and I took their pictures. Well Caleb was not happy about it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I can breath now!!

It is finally over, what I've been working on since Thanksgiving. The Christmas program was tonight. Everything went good except I forgot to tell John the Apostle to come in and we had some dead time. Other than that everyone remembered their parts, and none of the costumes fell apart. Always a big fear of mine. I'm soo greatful for all the help I had with the program. The ladies of the church really pitched in and helped with all the knit picky stuff that takes a lot of time. Here are some of the pictures that were taken.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

This has to be one of the busiest Decembers I can remember!! I thought I should up date this blog and to ask everyone to pray for our Christmas program Sunday night. There will be visitors there. Also, pray the props don't fall and the kids remember their lines! Last Friday we had our Christmas banquet. Here are some pictures of that wonderful event.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Wow, what a week! We have been sooo busy. Tuesday we had our Thanksgiving program with the homeschoolers. They were so cute. The kids sang song and said verses, poem, and other things along those lines. On Wednesday, we left for Lenoir. We had Thanksgiving lunch with Bryan's family and had a great time. The kids are getting old enough to remember their cousins, they only see twice a year, so it's alot of fun for them. We went black Friday shopping only to have Caleb get sick and throwing up in a plastic bag in the middle of Belk. Thankfully, he hadn't eaten anything. Then Friday night we headed home. Saturday, I fixed a big turkey, and we had our Thanksgiving then. Now we have enough turkey for two weeks. Over all I'm thankful for my salvation, my wonderful husband, kids, church, friends, the list goes on and on!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

God's Wonderful Grace!

I often find myself getting into some sort of situation of my own doings. My tongue is forever getting me in trouble! Oh, what that little member can get us into! This week has been a rough week for me, but it has been a wonderful reminder of just how wonderful God's grace is. He is so forgiving and loving! If I could just learn to trust Him to guide me and to give all my "issues" over to Him. This weekend a lady from the church and I went to a ladies conference. We had been off and on about this for a few weeks, and I wasn't sure I wanted to go. Well, I'm glad we went because it was just what I needed. It was as if the speakers knew just exactly what was going on in my life. The sessions dealt with different issues I struggle with. I was so encouraged because yes we sin, but we have a wonderful and loving God who will forgive us. Everyone of us are sinners and it is only by His grace we are who we are today. It's just such a wonderful feeling to know that when we mess up, even it it is really bad He still loves us. It just blows my mind! I'm not sure I could do it. When we sin we sin against Him, personally, yet, if we ask He will forgive. What an Awesome God!!! During one of the sessions the speaker gave an illustration about a rainbow. When I think of a rainbow, I remember there will never be another flood that will wipe out the earth, but the rainbow is a promise that after every storm in our lives God will always be there to dry up the tears. We never have to let sin defeat us because He is there to help and heal. He will never leave us. I've known all of this for years, but it has been a nice reminder. Thank you, Lord, for saving a wretched sinner like me!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Oh wow, what a vacation we had! We took a week long trip to Topsail Island. It was sooo nice, the beach was beautiful, and we had good weather. These are precious memories I'm sure the kids will remember their entire lives. It was the first time they had actually gotten to play in the ocean! It was fun watching them figure out how the waves work. Thanks Mike and Jan for everything!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm 30 now!

Hey, I've just had the most wonderful night. The ladies at church just threw me a surprise Birthday party. It was the first real party I've had since I was eight or nine. I had such a good time fellowshiping with my ladies. They are such a blessing. They make me feel loved and wanted. I'm soooo glad since this is my first post as the Pastor's wife. Thank you sooo much ladies for everything. It was a wonderful night! I love you guys!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Friday, I got to go to Lenoir to see my family. We got up around 5:30 and left around 6:30. We got there in three hours which was really good considering rush hour. We had such a good time. The kids got to play with their cousins and I got to visit with my mother, sister, sister in law, brother, roomate in college, and best of all baby Eli. Love that little feller, I could have taken him home with me!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures, and Hey, post a comment!

Monday, October 1, 2007

What a week!!!

Well, this week has been crazy. I still haven't caught up. We celebrated the birthdays this month. Seth and Caleb now have a new number to boast. Caleb is soooo happy to be a whole handful. (He has been a handful for a while now.) Seth had pumkin pie and Caleb peanut butter pie. I have strange kids, they don't eat much cake. On Friday, we took a day off from school and Bryan parents came to see the kids. They brought Bryan's nieces with them and the kids had a blast. Saturday we canvassed until 2pm and then we moved the Sunday school room around. Oh wow how it needed it! We are still trying to get over this nasty cold it seems to hang on forever. I'm sooo excited, my mom and sister with her munkins are on their way to NC. A twenty four hour drive for them, they will arrive sometime tomorrow. I hope to spend some time with them. Pray we will get over this crud!!!! Before, I go crazy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Don't try this at home!

Seth's new way of riding his bike!

Jonathan's Science Poster

Jonathan had a science project due yesturday. I think he did a really nice job. He did all the work himself.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Field Trip

Yesturday, the kids went on their first field trip. The fire department agreed to let us bring the home school group. We headed out from the church walking around 11am. I have no idea what the people of Rolesville thought about us walking 12 kids right down the street. Well, they know we are here now. Please keep praying for the town of Rolesville.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jonathan's Accident

Everyday at break time we go for a walk/ride around the block. Today, Jo, Seth and Caleb were riding their bikes. One minute Jo was riding the next he was flying over the handle bars. Here is the end result.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ladies Meeting!

Tonight we have our monthly ladies meeting. We started a new study on the book of Philippians. I really enjoy this study and I'm already being convicted. How hard it is to be truly thankful. How often do we get to involved to notice all the things we are blessed with? How often do we only notice how much we need (think we need) or how much we want. It has been something to really think and pray about. Pray for me tonight as I lead this study, pray the ladies would really get involved and would receive a blessing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Meet the Boys!

These three are really good at finding trouble!
Caleb, usually referred to as "Bop" is always into some sort of mischief!
Jonathan, the oldest is into math and science and enjoys creating things.
Seth is a plain ole boy! He enjoys everything boys do.