Friday, October 24, 2008


Today, for the first time in Caleb's whole six years of life I had to loosen his pants adjusters. Can you believe it??? He came down stairs, and couldn't get his pants buttoned! It is such an unusual happening!!!! He is up to 37.5 pounds as of one day this week, of course he was fully clothes with three shirts on and shoes, but hey, he has been 35 pounds for the last year. I think all this cooking I've been doing the last 3 months has been good for him. Jonathan is really growing right now too! He is getting taller, and bulking out. Finally! I'm not sure how much he weighs, he doesn't share as easily as Caleb. Yesterday, Bryan was down at Rex visiting a lady from church and he had Caleb with him. He stopped by the labor and delivery. He wanted to show Caleb the nursery, well because of restictions you can't see the babies or go back into the l&d. Bryan talked the nurse and she slipped Caleb back to see the babies. Sad, there were no babies in the nursery. Funny thing is she made Bryan stay out so he couldn't go back with them, but Caleb was extremely excited. I just wish there were some babies in the nursery. Things are so different now than when I've had the others. Back then, they wore bracelets that would go off if you took them out of the room, I wonder what it will be like this time. I'm hoping to call today and get me and Leah a tour. The men are going on a father/son retreat tonight and that would give us something to do. Well, better go for now, the washer needs downy and if I don't go now, I'll forget.


juan said...

uh oh time to let out the pants, hehe,

Unknown said...

I told you I thought he was growing!!! I have been checking your blog all day today waiting for pictures of all the baby stuff, I don't see them...hmmm...maybe something is wrong with my computer???