Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baptismal Service

Sunday was a special day! We were able to have a baptism service, but since we don't have a place to baptize we have to go to one of our supporting churches in Louisburg. Well, all weekend we were wondering if we would even get to a have a service because they were calling for snow. Well, Sunday we have lunch at the church in which the menu was changed several times, then we formed a train of cars and headed off to Grace. When we got there the doors were locked, we stood outside freezing for a while until Bryan found the spare key. Well, Mr. Satterfield had forgotten his clothes and had to go home so he wasn't there when we first got there and we were afraid he would get lost. Well, he arrived and we sighed in relief. We had our service and time came to baptize. The doors were locked going up into the tank. Oh no! Some quick thinking got Mr. Byler who was leading the singing to come with his credit card and break in. Okay, we are in! We get to the top of the stairs, and Leah sticks her toe in, COLD!! No Heat!! Her daddy baptizes her and nobody can see her, she is too short. Then, Mr. Satterfield gets in. We were afraid he was going to bolt. It was too cold. Over all it will be a service I won't soon forget. Here are some pictures of Leah, yes she really did get baptized, and Mr. Satterfield. Mr. Satterfield started coming to church by Dameon his grandson coming to Bible Time. He then got saved during our revival. It is wonderful to see fruit in the church.

Dining room

Yeah, I finally finished my dining room. Only thing I didn't realize is my paint was the same color as my wall paper. Duh! Don't know where my mind was on that one. Anyways it looks sooo much better. Here are some work in progress pictures and the finished product. Oh, if anybody needs it I have a recipe for stripping wall paper. You won't believe it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year!

Well, we have started a new year! 2008, Can you believe it?? It seems like just yesterday we were all planning for Y2K. Amazing how time flies. (can't remember if that is correctly spelled) School has started back up here. I'm trying to make sure the kids learn all they should. I do have some sneaky ones who try to get by without doing all they should.

Tonight we have a ladies meeting at church. A new lady is supposed to be coming and that is exciting. I pray these meeting will bring these ladies closer together in the Lord and thy will have a bond together. One that will see them through during the rough parts of life. It is a true blessing to be able to pray with others about things in our lives.

Hopefully, soon ,I will be able to put a video of Leah playing her violin, so check back in!