Thursday, December 20, 2007

Look at that face!

The kids went to the nursing home and did their play today. I forgot my camera so when I got home I made them put their costumes back on and I took their pictures. Well Caleb was not happy about it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I can breath now!!

It is finally over, what I've been working on since Thanksgiving. The Christmas program was tonight. Everything went good except I forgot to tell John the Apostle to come in and we had some dead time. Other than that everyone remembered their parts, and none of the costumes fell apart. Always a big fear of mine. I'm soo greatful for all the help I had with the program. The ladies of the church really pitched in and helped with all the knit picky stuff that takes a lot of time. Here are some of the pictures that were taken.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

This has to be one of the busiest Decembers I can remember!! I thought I should up date this blog and to ask everyone to pray for our Christmas program Sunday night. There will be visitors there. Also, pray the props don't fall and the kids remember their lines! Last Friday we had our Christmas banquet. Here are some pictures of that wonderful event.