Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today the craziest thing happened... I was out watering my flowers that are almost dead because of the heat. When, I looked down and the ground was moving. It was so wierd. Anyway, here I was watering my flowers and the mulch was moving all around. Then, all the sudden I see this huge earth worm come out of the ground, but the mulch is still moving. Had I hit a whole family of earthworms? Next thing I know, I see this little pink nose sticking out of the ground. I had unearthed a mole. Poor thing kept trying to run from the water and I kept water logging it. It finally ran under the hedge and dug back into the ground. Isn't that the most crazy thing you have ever heard. Can you tell I'm missing my kids?


Anonymous said...

Was it big???? I would have been running in the house!!!LOL

Leah said...

Not really big, almost like a big hampster!

DeeDee said...

Woah! I've never seen one and I wouldn't want to either!